CPers (the Crochet Partners group on Yahoo). Actually, he's practicing for the next show September 6 and 7, at Trimborn Farms in Milwaukee. He may be carrying PIGS (see post below), PILLs (projects I've lost lately), or perhaps NTBFUFOs (never to be finished unfinished projects). Your guess is as good as mine!
We knitters and crocheters also have two fun words for an un-fun task: ripping out our work. TINK (knit spelled backwards) is used when we take out a few stitches and FROG is when we really have to "Rip-it, rip-it, rip-it". I've been known to FROG an entire afghan!
Here are a few more acronyms you may enjoy:
WIP.........work in progress
WIM........work in mind
PNB.........pine needle basket (I use that one alot!)
SEX.........stash enhancement experience (enjoyed by all the quilters I know!)
YMMV...yarn mileage may vary
OOAK.....one of a kind
Please join us for our next episode when we discuss syndromes!
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