Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Fitbit Foray (What a challenge!)

Here's the latest Fitbit update!

The most steps I've been able to get in a day is a little over 8,000 which means I haven't quite met my goal of 10,000.  Today was a good start...over 5,000 by 10:am.  There are two explanations for this recent "success".  I must admit that I'm a member of the Kohler Sports Core which gives me access to  more opportunities than most folks have.  Our "Prime Time" class there, geared for senior citizens is taught by a marvelous instructor and I'm able to take advantage of that at least twice a week.  She really keeps us moving and on our feet!  Also, the Sports Core is about a mile from our home, so with our weather gradually improving, I can walk there.

Yesterday, however, was a no exercise day, as I worked at the polls from 6:30am to 1:30 pm.  After that, I was only able to get in a few household chores and take a nap!  So yesterday was only about 3,000 steps.

Many thanks to my new Fitbit friend.  I look forward to her challenges!!

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