Two of our friends are known for their creativity and sense of humor. At no time of the year is that so apparent as Halloween when they create their new costumes. This year they've outdone themselves and decided that this would also be the picture on their Christmas card, (I think they may have a different sentiment on that card than their present "theme") and we were invited to take the pictures. You'll see them in full regalia to the right. With the help of the manager at our local
JoAnn's store, they whipped these up much more
quickly than you would imagine.
Then they insisted that I try on the mustard costume, so I'm in the second picture. DH
insisted that he couldn't put on the ketchup outfit because he had to hold the camera....right....sure!
We're tempted to send these photos on to the Mustard Museum right here in Wisconsin. The "curator" there has a great sense of humor as well.
The photo shoot was done with much quipping and laughter, especially when the wind adjusted the mustard costume and their was some reference to Mustard Gas.
We feel blessed and certainly happy to have these dear friends!